Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Krisp Review | A Noise Cancelling App For Remote Workers :

1) What is the Krisp application?

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Krisp is artificial intelligence (AI)-powered noise cancellation software for your microphone. Krisp's job is to reduce background noise during phone calls.
Between your microphone and your calling app, Krisp inserts a virtual filter. Background noise is not allowed to pass through the filter.
Krisp's ability to reduce background noise is impressive.
A Deep Neural Network powers Krisp's noise cancelling technology. Over 20K sounds, 50K different speakers, and 2.5K hours of audio were used to train the network.

As a consequence, a filter that can distinguish and eliminate background noise has been created.
Additionally, your audio is 100% confidential. The audio processing takes place entirely on your smartphone. For filtering purposes, the audio is not transferred to the cloud.

You don't have to apologize for your dog barking in the background anymore. There will be no more constant muting and unmuting of your microphone.

What's the best way to set up Krisp?

Krisp offers desktop programs for both Windows and Mac.
There's also an iOS app that lets you use Krisp's noise cancellation technology while making phone calls from your iPhone.

What are your favorite ways to utilize Krisp?

Krip is a simple program with only one button. It's either turned on or turned off. When you turn it on, it instantly connects to any calling applications and begins filtering the audio.

If you already work remotely for a firm, that employer's preferred app will be available. When interviewing with distant organizations, however, the interviewer will normally provide you a connection to one of several conferencing software options.

Krisp works best when you use it to filter sounds from your own personal microphone. However, if you have the Windows or Mac program installed, you may use it to filter the audio of the receiver if they're in a loud location.

Krisp's Chrome extension does not currently have this functionality.



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